Fun things to do in Staten Island, New York

Whether you are a local or visiting, don’t miss this unique way to explore part of Staten Island’s coastline with a bike or beach rental from Wheel Fun Rentals at Jefferson Avenue! You’ll like a kid again as you achieve low-to-the-ground glory on the FDR Boardwalk on Father Capodanno Boulevard with a Chopper, Quad Sport, or Deuce Coupe.


You’ll find plenty of opportunities to relax, sightsee, have a snack, and most importantly, have FUN on Staten Island with bike rentals and beach rentals by Wheel Fun Rentals at Sand Lane! Whether you’re a local or visiting Staten Island for the first time, don’t miss this unique way to explore this hidden gem on the Atlantic Ocean!


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Savings coupons for Wheel Fun Rentals in Staten Island - Jefferson Avenue, New York

Savings coupons for Wheel Fun Rentals in Staten Island - Sand Lane, New York


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